
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Newbie talk

Assalamualaikum. Just a small intro. Nama diberi Nur Syafiqah binti Ab Aziz. Lahir pada 26/05/1999 di Hospital Alor Setar, Kedah. Tapi dibesarkan di Muar, Johor. Ini bukan kali pertama Syaf handle blog tapi dah kali yang ketiga 😅. My two other blogs were deleted due to personal problems. So, by the time Syaf tulis ni, Syaf sekarang di Kolej Matrikulasi Johor di Tangkak . And to be frankly honest , sekarang adalah study week and I'm supposed to be studying right now but you know how bored it is. By the time I'm writing this, Syaf tengah study science comp jugak. Syaf pelajar modul tiga. And if ada future budak KMJ yang nak tau serba sikit pasal KMJ ni, you can comment below, Syaf tolong seberapa mana yang mampu . I think that's enough for introduction . I'll try to keep update. Bubye .